Italian fine art photographer born on 28 September 1981 in Giarre.

Lives and works in Berlin.

2004-09 studied at Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design in Budapest/Hungary and at the Academy of Fine Art of Catania in Catania/Italy.

Her works are part of private and public collections like SpallArt Collection, Salzburg/Austria.


Valentina Murabitos fotografische Zwischenwesen, video reportage by ARTE Journal TV, 2 min., german language



Kornfeld Gallery, Berlin, Germany, 31 october 2024 – 11 january 2025

Paradise lost, Galerie Waidspeicher/ Art Museums Erfurt, Germany, 2023

Bestiarium, Museum Gotisches Haus, Berlin, Germany, 2021

Valentina Murabito. Mythos und Magie, Ingo Seufert Gallery, Munich, Germany, 2021

An der Schwelle zwischen analog und digital, Wave Academy, Berlin, Germany, 2020

Valentina Murabito: A dream within a dream, Ingo Seufert Gallery, Munich, Germany, 2019

Foto, Artgeschoss Gallery, Berlin, Germany, 2018

Analog, Benjamin Eck II Gallery, Munich, Germany, 2018

Le silhouette, Balassi Institute – Academy of Hungary, Rome, Italy, 2017

Against identity, Benjamin Eck Gallery, Munich, Germany, 2016

Melankólikus, Atelier Giorgi, Turin, Italy, 2013

Technique studies #2, Studio Chérie, Berlin, Germany, 2013

I am not, ACUD Gallery, Berlin, Germany, 2013

Contra. Punkt, Fabrik Osloer Straße, Berlin, Germany, 2012

In mir, GAD Gallery, Berlin, Germany, 2011

Nicht hier, Territorium 91 Gallery, Berlin, Germany, 2011

Alterità, Mercati Generali, Catania, Italy, 2007

L’altro e Dio, Avantgarde Art Club, Catania, Italy, 2007



Kornfeld Gallery, Berlin, Germany, Berlin Art Week, september 2024

Grand salon, Lachenmann Art Gallery, Konstanz, Germany, 24 july – 11 october 2024

Tesoro, RedD Gallery, Chania Crete, Greece, 2024

Es kommt nicht auf die Größe an, Lachenmann Art Gallery, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2024

Women only, Johanna Breede Photokunst Gallery, Berlin, Germany, 2023

Studio 84, Lachenmann Art Gallery, Konstanz, Germany, 2023

Body language, Kornfeld Gallery, Berlin, Germany, 2023

Female perspectives, Lachenmann Art Gallery, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2023

Herbst, Johanna Breede Photokunst Gallery, Berlin, Germany, 2022

Sommer, Johanna Breede Photokunst Gallery, Berlin, Germany,  2022

First love, RedD Gallery, Chania Crete, Greece, 2022

Frühling, Johanna Breede Photokunst Gallery, Berlin, Germany, 2022

Nothing’s gonna change my world?, Gr_und Gallery, Berlin, Germany, 2021

Untitled, Johanna Breede Photokunst Gallery, Berlin, Germany, 2021

Summer cravings, RedD Gallery, Chania Crete, Greece, 2020

Uncurated, Størpunkt Gallery, Munich, Germany, 2020

An esoteric voyage through ecstasy, RedD Gallery, Chania Crete, Greece, 2019

Magie der Stille, Johanna Breede Photokunst Gallery, Berlin, Germany, 2019

Opening party, RedD Gallery, Chania Crete, Greece, 2019

Half a pound of art, Størpunkt Gallery, Munich, Germany, 2019

MENSCHENsKINDER, Städtische Galerie Rosenheim & Collection SpallArt, Rosenheim, Germany, 2019

Facets of queer, Størpunkt Gallery, Munich, Germany, 2018

Open space #3 – Menschenbilder, Collection SpallArt, Salzburg, Austria,  2018

Preparing for darkness, Kühlhaus am Gleisdreieck, Selected Artists Gallery, Berlin, Germany, 2018

Paper Positions Berlin, represented by Benjamin Eck Gallery, Berlin, Germany, 2018

MIA Photo Fair, represented by Magic Beans Gallery, Milan, Italy, 2018

Favorite images, Johanna Breede Photokunst Gallery, Berlin, Germany, 2017

Artgeschoss 2017, Artgeschoss Gallery, Salzgitter-Bad, Germany, 2017 

Stroke Art Fair, represented by Benjamin Eck Gallery, Munich, Germany, 2016

Provokateure, Størpunkt Gallery, Munich, Germany, 2016

Who art you?, Fabbrica del Vapore, EXPO 2015, Milan, Italy, 2015

St. Leopold Friedenspreis 2014, Klosterneuburg Foundation, Klosterneuburg, Austria, 2014

LVIII° National Prize for Contemporary Art Basilio Cascella, Civic Museum of Villa Coppetti, Castelbellino, Italy, 2014

3 Tage Kunst, Municipal Gallery Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 2014

III° National Prize Paola Occhi for painting and photography, Museum of Migliarino, Italy, 2014

Veramiglia Contest 2014, Delizia Estense del Verginese Museum, Gambulaga, Italy, 2014

FORM – A(R)T  2014, Kunstverein Glinde e.V., Glinde, Germany, 2014

(Co)esistere, Albertina Academy of Fine Arts, Torino Performance Art, Turin, Italy, 2013

(Co)esistere, Serendipity Gallery, Berlin, Germany, 2013

I am not, Theatre De Verre, Place à l’Art Performance, Paris, France, 2013 

Fluchtpunkt, Serendipity Gallery, Berlin, Germany, 2013

Ich wäre für eine Welt zu haben, Serendipity Gallery, Berlin, Germany, 2012

Count to 20 | Zähl bis Zwanzig, ACUD Kunsthaus, Berlin, Germany, 2012 

Luogo visivo del silenzio, Green Box, Turin, Italy, 2012 

Ästhetische Intervention #3, Art intervention in public space, Berlin, Germany, 2011

0,5 mg Schönheit, Art intervention in public space, Friedrichstraße, Berlin, Germany, 2011

Ästhetische Intervention #1, Art intervention in public space, Berlin, Germany, 2011

Astrazioni dal quotidiano, Benedictine Monastery, Catania, Italy, 2007 



Panorama – La Quadriennale di Roma, studio visit and text by Francesco Lucifora, 2024

Trustee Programm EHF 2010, grant, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Berlin, Germany, 2023

Exhibition Challenge | Shaul vs. Kaschek & Nappo with Valentina Murabito’s works, design of a virtual exhibition, German Photographic Academy (DFA), Germany, 2023 (on-line on YouTube)

Paradise lost, project grant, Friedrich Stiftung, Hannover, Germany, 2022

Fabulosa creaturaeresearch grant, Alexander Tutsek Stiftung, Munich, Germany, 2022

Valentina Murabito’s photographic research, lecture, German Association for Photography (DVF), Leverkusen, Germany, 2021 

Herbarium, Neustart Kultur grant, VG Bild-Kunst, Stiftung Kulturwerk, Berlin, Germany, 2021

Bestiarium, project grant, Stiftung für Kunst und Kultur, Berlin, Germany, 2021

Bestiarium, project grant, Stiftung für Kunst und Umwelt, Berlin, Germany, 2021

Valentina Murabito’s artistic research, lecture, University of Florence – German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Florence, Italy, 2021

Bestiarium, research grant, Alexander Tutsek Stiftung, Munich, Germany, 2020

Grant for cultural projects Berlin, grant, Berlin Senate for Culture and Europe, Berlin, Germany, 2020

Valentina Murabito’s experimental photography, lecture, German Photographic Academy (DFA), Darmstadt, Germany, 2020 (on-line on YouTube)

LVIII° National Prize for Contemporary Art Basilio Cascella, award, Civic Museum of Villa Coppetti, Castelbellino, Italy, 2014

III° National Prize Paola Occhi for Painting and Photography, award, Museum of Migliarino, Italy, 2014

Ver­a­miglia Con­test 2014, award, Deli­zia Estense del Ver­gi­nese Museum, Gam­bu­laga, Italy, 2014

About Per­for­mance Art, Albertina Academy of Fine Arts, lecture, Turin, Italy, 2013

Sicily Region Award for Excellent Artists, grant, Sicily Region and Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Buda­pest, Ungarn, 2008 – 2009



Künstler-Rezeptbuch, book, Kornfeld gallery, Germany, coming soon…

Woman Only, catalog, pp. 56, Germany, 2023

The solitary body. The self-timer in contemporary photography – vol. III, book, Rubbettino Editore, author Giorgio Bonomi, Italy, 2022

Frühling, catalog, pp. 40, Germany, 2022

Nothing’s gonna change my world?, catalog, Raum www, pp. 276, Germany, 2021

Magie der Stille, catalog, pp. 32, Germany, 2019

Menschenskinder, catalog, pp. 160, Germany, 2018

Emerging artists worth investing in / 2018, book, pp. 250, Exibart Editions, Italy, 2017

Artgeschoss 2017, catalog, pp. 93, Germany, 2017

Die Aura ist zurück | The aura returns, catalog (in the archive of the Academy of Arts, Berlin), pp. 88, Germany, 2016 

Who Art You? – EXPO 2015, catalog, pp. 150, Italy, 2015

III° National Prize for Painting and Photography Paola Occhi, catalog, pp. 130, Italy, 2014

LVIII° National Prize for Contemporary Art Basilio Cascella, catalog, pp. 88, Italy, 2014

Veramiglia Contest 2014, catalog, pp. 60, Italy, 2014

FORM-A (R) T, catalog, pp. 59, Germany, 2014

Astrazioni dal quotidiano, catalog, pp. 65, Italy, 2007